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Value Education Is Essential


Value Education Is Essential
The fundamental aim of education is to produce better human beings who have human virtues and values, responsible citizens who support universal brotherhood and social equality and who are mentally prepared and competent enough to face the challenges of the fast changing world caring for human welfare and all round development.
Other expectations are being fulfilled by the present day education, now there is higher education and supreme knowledge of fast developing technology bringing physical pleasures, progress and prosperity but it could not be possible to realize and recognize human beings. The man of today can go to the moon but he doesn’t know how to live and behave on the earth with people and environment. He only cares for his / her own benefits, luxury and all amenities of life. The world of today is the age of high technology. These inventions have empowered people to live a life of luxury. This race of amassing physical amenities has given rise to many problems due to economic disparity and discordance creating a society of the Haves and Have nots. Immoralities are increasing and these are becoming part of character. Every day the newspaper is full of the news of thefts, rapes, dishonesty, fake medicines, impure food products, corruption and murder etc. Truth, love sympathy, fearlessness, non-violence, charity, generosity, courage etc. which are necessary values are vanishing now. The solution is only through enlightened families and ideal role-model teachers. If both join together the values such as truth, beauty and goodness can be inculcated.
When a child of today finds that through corruption people are becoming richer enjoying a luxurious life he feels baffled and directs from human values.
The world may change beyond recognition in the next 20 years. Tomorrow a chip embedded in our arm may alter the way we communicate and turn reading, writing and speaking into obsolete skills. Who knows if a single breakthrough in bio communication will make all electronics vanish as did all the animal power at the invention of the steam engine.
The question that comes across our minds, “Is the current education sufficient? If not, how can we make our children emotionally and spiritually strong as well.” Of course, there are ways and means to manage right education to make perfect human beings but the desire and readiness has to come from all directions, the family, school and media especially the electronic media.
Let the New Year come forth with these changes. Then value education has to be an essential part of education at all levels and then only we shall have devoted leaders, doctors, chemists, scientists and businessmen etc. Of course, the most effective and inculcative time is when children are at home and school up to the age of 14.
Dear students! You are the future of India and you have to learn the best and do the best and then surely Mother India will have the best and pat your back with pride and glory. Your final exams are coming challenging you to do your best. You need concentration, confidence, consistency, courage and character to face the challenges. I wish you all a very Happy New Year with a Bouquet of Best wishes and Blessings for the best performance to achieve the goal.


Tagore Group of Institutions
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....Thought of the Day....

Make others happy & joyful your happiness wiil multiply a thousand fold.
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